domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2009

My Vacations 2009

On my vacations of 2009, i will travel with my friend, Santiago, to the town of Lorica in the Departament of Cordoba, Colombia. There i will stay and share with my paternal family and explore the caribbean coast, and of course, i have go to a party. Also i will go to moñitos beach, swim a lot and i could make camp in "Punta Bolivar".

Then, i will travel with my friend to Santa Marta City in the north coast of Colombia. There we must visit the Tairona park because is one of the most representative and beautiful places of the city, and i can visit the Sierra Nevada. There i should know the "Ciudad Perdida" because of its historic value. Also i could go on jet sky and fly on paragliding. At last, i will go to the aquarium.
To this travel i ought to vaccinate againts yellow fever and i´d better do it in Medellín before travel.

Chicken Rolls


-Chicken breasts
-RaisinsAluminium paper

First: cut the chicken breasts and marinated with spices and mustard.
Them: Put on the chicken breasts a slice of cheese, a slice of ham, bacon and raisins.
Next: Roll it all and them wrap with aluminium paper.
After that: Boil for fourty five minutes.
Finally: Put out of the stew cut it in slices and enjoy.

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009

Five desires for christmas

I wish a finish my career
I wish a good job
I wish being with my family on holidays
I wish buy a dog
I wish go to house my father

Five things I want to do before they die

I wish to travel to india.
I wish to learn fly a plane.
I wish to have a waterfront cottage.
I wish to jumping from a plane.
I wish to see the pyramids

My new apartment

Hi santiago, I tell you I bought a new apartment, this is more big than as previous one, is roomier, and more lighting, It's nicer and is better located, but of course, is more expensive, I have to work harder to pay, when you come visit me and you see it.