lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

1. What´s your favorite kind of movies?
My favorite movies are movies suspense and action.

2 What´s your favorite movie? Tell a little about it
My favorite movie is called Schindler's List, is a movie that shows a person like a normal,with errors and defects,I can save many person

3. What´s your favorite actor or actress?My favorite actor is Mel gibson.

4. What has been your favorite character in a movie?My favorite character in a movie is Sid the bear the Ice Age

5. What´s your favorite book subject?my favorite books are the history and architecture

6. What´s your favorite writer?I have no one in particular, always depend on the topic

7. What´s your favorite book? Tell a little about itI have no one in particular I can say that the last I read, I liked a lot, the land of cinnamon from William Ospina. A historical novel, to better understand the country's History

Past continuous and present perfect continuous

-During my childhood I was playing baseball, while my friends played soccer
-When I was going to elementrary school,my friends and I we had a gang
-I met my best friend while, we were in secundary school
-Two years ago while I was working as a waiter, I knowl film director Victor Gaviria
-Lasth montn wile I was walking down the street I found 10,000 weights

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

I'd make good

I'd make good at teaching Because I am patient, I like to share knowledge, I have facilities to explain to others, by the general always understand immediately

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

My city in 10 years

I think that in my city in 10 years will have many tall buildings, and the population will have increased considerably, the means of transport are integrated and provide better service, car will be very expensive, and for driving by some sections of the city,We will have to pay tolls electronicallys.
I also think that thanks to the transport system as the commuter train many more people will working in the city and will live in more remote towns, We will have wireless internet coverage and we can connect anywhere in the city, we will not have to leave the house for anything and everything we managed to buy via the Internet.

domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2009

My Vacations 2009

On my vacations of 2009, i will travel with my friend, Santiago, to the town of Lorica in the Departament of Cordoba, Colombia. There i will stay and share with my paternal family and explore the caribbean coast, and of course, i have go to a party. Also i will go to moñitos beach, swim a lot and i could make camp in "Punta Bolivar".

Then, i will travel with my friend to Santa Marta City in the north coast of Colombia. There we must visit the Tairona park because is one of the most representative and beautiful places of the city, and i can visit the Sierra Nevada. There i should know the "Ciudad Perdida" because of its historic value. Also i could go on jet sky and fly on paragliding. At last, i will go to the aquarium.
To this travel i ought to vaccinate againts yellow fever and i´d better do it in Medellín before travel.

Chicken Rolls


-Chicken breasts
-RaisinsAluminium paper

First: cut the chicken breasts and marinated with spices and mustard.
Them: Put on the chicken breasts a slice of cheese, a slice of ham, bacon and raisins.
Next: Roll it all and them wrap with aluminium paper.
After that: Boil for fourty five minutes.
Finally: Put out of the stew cut it in slices and enjoy.

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009

Five desires for christmas

I wish a finish my career
I wish a good job
I wish being with my family on holidays
I wish buy a dog
I wish go to house my father